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- From: lzahar@iis.com.br
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.visitors,alt.alien,alt.alien.research
- Subject: Fax from the editor of UFO Magazine, Brazil.
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 08:48:12 GMT
- Organization: Inside Information Systems
- Lines: 173
- Message-ID: <4q8ien$gtl@ftp.iis.com.br>
- Reply-To: lzahar@iis.com.br
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- From: Pedro Cunha <pplfilho@nutecnet.com.br>
- To: "'iufo@alterzone.com'" <iufo@alterzone.com>
- Subject: Fax from UFO Magazine, Varginha Case
- Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 16:35:05 -0300
- Sender: iufo-approval@alterzone.com
- Reply-To: iufo@alterzone.com
- -> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List
- Hello All,
- Today I received the following fax from the editor of UFO Magazine,
- Brazil.
- There are some parts which were not clear enough to be read, so
- forgive us that. I will correct anything in the future if I have
- another copy in my hands.
- Pedro Cunha
- =================
- +88558673843921 REVISTA UFO 729 P01 JUN 17 ' 96 09: 21
- Campo Grande, Brazil, 22 May 96
- (On January 20, military forces captured two axtraterrestrial
- creatures still alive in Brazil. The captures occured in neighbouring
- areas of city og Varginha, State of Minas Gerais, central Brazil. The
- fact is to be considered one of the most significant ever in this
- country and in the entire world. Military autohorities are keeping
- secret of all details a:1' l a apel"ation, but scolne infa hava
- already leaked to the UFO comunity due to the investigative job of
- Dr. Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini, who live nearby
- and are recognizade as serious and dedicated researchers.
- On the afternoon of January 20, about 15:30h local time, 3 young
- girls named Liliane, Valquiria and Katia observed a strange creature
- in a field of small bushes a few blocks from where they live. It was a
- Saturday and they were coming back from their jobs when, crossing an
- empty area, their attention was attracted by a strange being a few
- meters away. '1"he ET was kneeing and looked like it was hurt,
- suffering sort of pain. No UFO was ever seen. The girls observed it
- for a few minutes and ran away, afraid that they had just encountered
- the devil...
- The 3 girls were extensively interrogated by the above mentioned
- researchers, leaving no doubt whatsoever abaut what happened. Very
- simple kids, they described the ET being as a dark brown creature,
- with small body of 4 to 5 feet, no hair at all, big brown head, small
- neck, I't also seamed to have some greasy dark oil on it's skin. A
- strange odour was noticed the mother....
- Following the leads, researachers Rodrigues and Pacaccini started
- making inquiries everywhere in the town af Varginha, in order to know
- if anybody else had seen tha same creature. They found several other
- people who also observed the ET in the same location and maybe other
- ETs in different locations. While conducting an investigative job,
- both discovered that different witnesses had seen army trucks and
- other military vehicle and personnel in the very morning of that day,
- a few blocks from the place the girls saw the ET.
- ln trying to find out what the military were doing, Rodrigues and
- Pacaccini came to meet a few soldiers and sargeants. One of them
- decided ta talk secretly about their mission, in a confidential taped
- interview, This sergeant confirmed that, about 09:00h a.m., January
- 20, the Fire Department of Varginha was required to capture a strange
- animal in that area. When 4 fireman arrived in a truck in the place,
- they noticed that it was not any strange animal at all, and reported
- the fact to the Army Sergeant School commander. ln neighboring city of
- Tres Coracoes (about 10 miles east of Varginha). An Army truck was
- sent to the place and both forces captured the creature using nets and
- equipment regularly used to capture wild animals. The ET was placed
- still alive in a box
- that was then covered by resistant fabric. The box was placed on top
- of the truck, the vehicle headed to the Army Sargeant School and all
- personnel involved was ordered not to talk about
- it ....
- [.. not clear in the fax image...]
- speak about, as long as their identities were totally kept secret.
- They all confirmed, on taped
- interviews that that a second creature (prossibly the same one seen by
- the girls at that afternoon) was captured on the night of January 20,
- by personnel from the Army and the fire Department. Details of such
- operation is fully known. This creature, identical to the first one,
- was taken to the
- Regional General Hospital at Varginha at that same night, stayed there
- for a few hours and then
- was transferred to a better equipped facility, the Humanitas Hospital.
- A few nursers and personnel from Regional General Hospital had
- confirmed some facts and they were all suppressed. lndividuals who
- had contact with the second creature where advised to avoid press and
- UFO researchers and not to tailk about it with anyone in their
- relations and family. At the Humanitas Hospital, the second creature
- was kept at least for 2 days and, on the night on January 22, a huge
- military operation was taken to remove the creature, allready dead.
- Interviews with some of the military who participated in this new
- operation, removing the creature from the Humanitas Hospital, declared
- that 3 Army trucks were used, each one driven by 2 different soldiers.
- It is bellieved that 3 trucks were used to remove only one body in
- order to avoid the soldiers to know in which truck would it be
- transported. The drivers and their fellows could not see the details
- of the operations, as they were kept outside the hospital area.
- Military personnel from the Army Internal Intelligence (called "S-2"
- in Brazil and extremely violent and repressive) were responsible for
- getting the corpse from the interior of the hospital, placing it in a
- box and than in one of the trucks.
- All 3 trucks then were taken to a military facility in Campinas,
- State of Sao Paulo about 200 miles from Varginha, in the middle of the
- night. There, the corpse was removed to the University of Campinas,
- one of the best institutions in the country. It is believed - and we
- already have detailed info to be soon released - that' the ET body was
- autopsied by Dr. Badan Palhares, worldwide acclaimed as one of the
- best professionals in that area alive (he was the one who autopsied
- German Nazi Mengele, about 10 years ago).Palhares, as well as any
- other authority involved, denied to part of such operations.
- UFO researchers from all over the country hava been helping closely
- Rodrigues and Pacaccini, in order to discover each and every detail of
- the capture of the 2 ETs. Media in Brazil has never been been so
- active and great majority of population believes that the case is real
- and that the military and civil authorities involved are keeping the
- facts secret. Many strange facts are happening simultaneously, such as
- prison of soldiers, sergeants being transferred at last time etc. The
- phones af main UFO researchers involved in the case are confirlmed to
- be tapped and a few threats had been made anonymously.
- Up to now, almost all details of the whole operation are known to
- the UFO researchers and
- a few can already be released. ln a matter of weeks, all info will be
- fully disclosed by the UFO
- researchers involved, throughout the UFO Magazine, to the entire
- world. Everyday new pieces of this fantastic puzzle are being received
- by researchers in many cities and more and more
- military people had agreed to talk.
- Meanwhile, the region where Varginha is located, in the south of State
- of Minas Gerais, is subject to one of the biggest UFO waves ever
- registered, with huge UFOs in close range observations, landings and
- contacts.
- A, J. Gevaerd
- Editor and director
- Brazilian UFO Magazine and Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer
- Research
- Phone: 001-55-67-981-6020
- Fax: 001-55-6'7-384-3921
- -> Send "subscribe iufo " to majordomo@alterzone.com
- -> Posted by: Pedro Cunha <pplfilho@nutecnet.com.br>
- ============================================
- Um grande abraco do,
- Luiz Otavio Zahar <lzahar@iis.com.br>
- WWW: http://home.iis.com.br/~lzahar
- Pager: (021)292-4499-C≤digo:27.319-(24 horas no ar!)
- ============================================